Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tips for a stress free vet visit

For some pets a trip to the vet is just another chance to get out and meet their adoring public, but for others just leaving the house can be a stressful event.
Because we want your pet's experience to be as positive as possible here are some tips to reduce the stress associated with veterinary visits.

- Drop in with your pet for a few social visits before your actual appointment. Stopping by when there are no medical procedures makes the hospital a pleasant place to go for petting and yummy treats.

- Reserve extra tasty treats for veterinary visits so your pet will have something really special to look forward to when coming to the vet.

- Keep your pet just a little hungry before their visit so they will be interested in the treats that are being offered.
- Bring a small rubber backed rug or bath mat if you have a small pet that will be placed on the examination table. The smell of home and the secure footing will make your pet feel more confident.

- Accustom your pet to the carrier (if needed) and to car rides before hand.
- Keep yourself calm. Pets are very good at reading our emotional states and if they see that their humans are all stressed out it can cause them to become stressed out as well.
- Some animals that are extremely anxious may benefit from anti-anxiety medications or sedatives prior to their visit. Our doctors will be happy to discuss whether medications may be beneficial to your pet.

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