Sunday, April 14, 2013

Do I have to go to the vet?
Keeping your cat indoors does reduce the risk of trauma, contagious disease and parasites but there are still plenty of other potential problems.
We check for these potential problems during your cat's annual health examination. 
Our house cats Salem, Miss Mo and Amelia are examined at least once a year. Toasted Marshmallow, our old man, is examined about every other month and is weighed once a month to ensure he is doing well.
Miss Mo & Marshmellow
Every cat seen here at Sheehy Animal Hospital in Livonia receives a complete physical examination.
Kitten Pie waiting for her yearly examination
 This examination includes evaluation of the eyes and ears for redness, swelling or discharge. The mouth for inflammation, dental tartar, masses or damaged teeth. The lymph nodes for any swelling. The skin and hair for parasites, wounds, growths, inflammation or hair loss. The bones and joints for evidence of pain or lameness. The nerves for normal function. The heart and lungs for normal rate and rhythm. We are also checking for the presence of any abnormal sounds in the heart or lungs. The abdomen for the size, shape and the feel of the kidneys, liver, intestine, spleen and the bladder. We also measure the weight and asses a body condition score. If any problems are found then specific recommendations are made to further evaluate and treat those issues.
Sheldon, Smokie & Graham
Cats are experts at hiding illness. Even if every thing seems normal EVERY cat (even the ones that don't go outside) should be seen at least once a year for an annual health examination.
If you would like to schedule an annual health examination for your cat or if you have questions about your pet please give us a call at 248-615-7670.